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LT4HALA 2022

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9:00-9:15 Welcome

9:15-10:30 Session 1

9:15-9:30 - From Inscriptions to Lexica and back: A Platform for Editing and Linking the languages of Ancient Italy, Valeria Quochi, Andrea Bellandi, Fahad Khan, Michele Mallia, Francesca Murano, Silvia Piccini, Luca Rigobianco, Alessandro Tommasi and Cesare Zavattari

9:30-9:45 - Contextual Unsupervised Clustering of Signs for Ancient Writing Systems, Michele Corazza, Fabio Tamburini, Miguel Valério and Silvia Ferrara

9:45-10:00 - Multilingual Named Entity Recognition for Medieval Charters using Stacked Embeddings and Bert-based Models., Sergio Torres Aguilar

10:00-10:15 - Towards the Creation of a Diachronic Corpus for Italian: a Case Study on the GDLI Quotations, Manuel Favaro, Elisa Guadagnini, Marco Biffi and Simonetta Montemagni

10:15-10:30 - BERToldo, the Historical BERT for Italian, Alessio Palmero Aprosio, Stefano Menini and Sara Tonelli

10:30-11:00 break

11:00-13:00 Session 2

11:00-11:15 - A Treebank-based Approach to the Supprema Constructio in Dante’s Latin Works, Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini and Giulia Pedonese

11:15-11:30 - The IKUVINA Treebank, Mathieu Dehouck

11:30-11:45 - In Search of the Flocks: How to Perform Onomasiological Queries in an Ancient Greek Corpus?, Alek Keersmaekers and toon van hal

11:45-12:00 - Handling Stress in Finite-State Morphological Analyzers for Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew, Daniel G. Swanson and Francis Tyers

12:00-12:15 - Annotating “Absolute” Preverbs in the Homeric and Vedic Treebanks, Luca Brigada Villa, Erica Biagetti and Chiara Zanchi

12:15-12:30 - Detecting Diachronic Syntactic Developments in Presence of Bias Terms, Oliver Hellwig and Sven Sellmer

12:30-12:45 - Machine Translation of 16th Century Letters from Latin to German, Lukas Fischer, Patricia Scheurer, Raphael Schwitter and Martin Volk

12:45-13:00 - Automatic Translation Alignment for Ancient Greek and Latin, Tariq Yousef, Chiara Palladino, David J. Wright and Monica Berti

13:00-14:00 lunch

14:00-15:30 EvaHan

14:00-14:10 - Opening

14:10-14:25 - Organizer’s report

14:25-15:05 - Participants’ reports

15:05-15:15 - Prize time

15:15-15:30 - Discussion and Closing

15:30-16:00 EvaLatin

15:30-15:35 - Organizer’s report

15:35-15:45 - Transformer-based Part-of-Speech Tagging and Lemmatization for Latin, Krzysztof Wróbel and Krzysztof Nowak

15:45-15:55 - An ELECTRA Model for Latin Token Tagging Tasks, Wouter Mercelis and Alek Keersmaekers

15:55-16:00 - QA Time

16:00-16:30 break

16:30-17:45 Session 3

16:30 - 16:45 - Linguistic annotation of Neo-Latin mathematical texts: a pilot-study to improve the automatic parsing of the Archimedes Latinus, Margherita Fantoli and Miryam de Lhoneux

16:45 - 17:00 - CHJ-WLSP: Annotation of `Word List by Semantic Principles’ Labels for the Corpus of Historical Japanese, Masayuki Asahara, Nao Ikegami, Tai Suzuki, Taro Ichimura, Asuko Kondo, Sachi Kato and Makoto Yamazaki

17:00 - 17:15 - Identifying Cleartext in Historical Ciphers, Maria-Elena Gambardella, Beata Megyesi and Eva Pettersson

17:15 - 17:30 - Accurate Dependency Parsing and Tagging of Latin, Sebastian Nehrdich and Oliver Hellwig

17:30 - 17:45 - From Inscription to Semi-automatic Annotation of Maya Hieroglyphic Texts, Cristina Vertan and Christian Prager

17:45-18:00 17:30 - 17:45 Conclusions

Accepted Papers



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